- Exploring the Impact of eHMI Display Location and Vehicle Type on Pedestrian Perceptions: A VR User Study
- Nianzhao Zheng, Jialong Li, Yan Zhang, Kenji Tei
- IEEE ACCESS, 11pages, 2025
- Generative AI for Self-Adaptive Systems: State of the Art and Research Roadmap
- Jialong Li, Mingyue Zhang, Nianyu Li, Danny Weyns, Zhi Jin, Kenji Tei
- ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, pp. 1-61, 2024
- Large Language Models Synergize with Automated Machine Learning
- Jinglue Xu, Jialong Li, Zhen Liu, NAV Suryanarayanan, Guoyuan Zhou, Jia Guo, Hitoshi Iba, Kenji Tei
- Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2024, 46 pages (to appear)
- Multi-grained Guaranteeable Requirement Analysis for Iterative Adaptation
- Jialong Li, Takuto Yamauchi, Takanori Hirano, Jinyu Cai, Kenji Tei
- IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 12pages
- Value Iteration Networks with Gated Summarization Module
- Jinyu Cai, Jialong Li, Mingyue Zhang, Kenji Tei
- IEEE ACCESS, 13 pages, May, 2023
- Efficient Difference Analysis of Guaranteeable Requirements for Fault-tolerant Self-adaptation
- Jialong Li, Kenji Tei
- Journal of Information Processing (JIP), vol. 31, 12pages, March, 2023.
- Towards scalable model checking of reflective systems via labeled transition systems
- Kenji Tei, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 23 pages, May. 2022
- An Efficient Adaptive Attention Neural Network for Social Recommendation
- Munan Li, Kenji Tei, Yoshiaki Fukazawa
- IEEE Access, vol.8, pp.63595-63606, March 2020
- Dynamic Update of Discrete Event Controllers
- L. Nahabedian and V. Braberman and N. DIppolito and S. Honiden and J. Kramer and K. Tei and S. Uchitel
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 1220-1240, 2020.
- A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Faults Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Ehsan Ullah Warriach, and Kenji Tei
- International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet) 24(1) 1-13 May 2017
- Involving End-Users in Web-Based System Development with INTER-Mediator
- Masayuki Nii, Kenji Tei, and Fuyuki Ishikawa
- Transactions on Engineering Technologies, pp.79-93, March, 2016
- Model-Driven-Development-based Stepwise Software Development Process for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Kenji Tei, Ryo Shimizu, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinichi Honiden
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol.45, no.4, pp.675-687, April, 2015
- Faults in Sensory Readings: Classification and Model Learning
- Valentina Baljak, Tei Kenji, Shinichi Honiden
- Sensors & Transducers, Vol.18, 177-187, January 2013
- :S-CLAIM: An Agent-based Programming Language for AmI, A Smart-Room Case Study
- Valentina Baljak, Marius Tudor Benea, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Cedric Herpson, Shinichi Honiden, Thi Thuy Nga Nguyen, Andrei Olaru, Ryo Shimizu, Kenji Tei, Susumu Toriumi
- Procedia Computer Science, Vol.10, pp.30-37, 2012